
Youth Devotional

Youth Devotional 

September 9th 2024 

Read Isaiah 55:8–9. Consider all of the reasons why it is beneficial to have a God who is much more wise, considerate, and selfless than you. Take a moment to thank him for his wisdom displayed in your life.

Note: This devotional is an interactive experience designed to engage and equip you with God’s Word. For the best experience, grab your own Bible and journal so you can make observations and record your answers to questions in a way that will live offline with you

.Isaiah 55:8-9 (CSB)
8“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
and your ways are not my ways.”
This is the Lord’s declaration.
9“For as heaven is higher than earth,
so my ways are higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

This session explored how the world is full of opinions, perspectives on how to live, and various definitions of truth. After listening to Francis, how did this session expand your understanding of why God’s truth is so important?


Francis explained in the video that God is our anchor when we’ve been lied to by the world over and over again. When we become frustrated—not knowing whom to believe—we can run to our Bible and find peace in what it says. What are some of your favorite truths found in the Bible? How do these truths make you feel when you’re confused or looking for answers?


Francis explained the dilemma of trying to understand God and the ways of the world with our finite minds by discussing Isaiah 55:8–9. These verses tell us that God’s thoughts and ways are much higher than ours. In what ways is it comforting to you to know God’s thoughts are much higher, bigger, and more truthful than yours?


Re-read Isaiah 55:8–9. Francis used these verses to emphasize that what God says is far beyond what humans say. All the varying perspectives on how to live life—whether from media, friends, or family—are still incomparable to God’s. What kinds of situations have you been in where you’ve appreciated God’s ultimate wisdom?


When we look to the Bible, we will see that God has a way for us to live that not only enhances our lives but enhances the lives of those around us as well. How would you describe the way God’s truth has enhanced your life? How do you hope it enhances your future plans?

The word truth is a bit of a buzzword these days. Everyone wants to know the truth, and they’re willing to find it in any capacity, shape, or form. But we know that the Word of God holds the real truth about us and the world.


What did you learn from today’s Scriptures that helped you understand the importance of trusting God’s Word? What would it take for you to believe God’s word as true, even in the midst of convincing human opinions? Ask yourself these questions, and journal your thoughts.

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