
Youth Devotional


August 12th 2024 
Media (Part 2)

As we look at the media today, we see all sorts of messages
telling us what we “need” in order to be happy. From songs
about being rich and having exotic cars, to ads that make
plastic surgery appear to be a necessity, we can easily be
tempted to believe that these things are the “keys to happiness.”

Explain in the boxes below the different views
concerning the perspectives of the three following issues:

 Do you think the media encourages people to become dis-content?
Explain. Yes. People never think they have enough &
always want more, media often makes ‘getting more’ the solution.

 What danger do you see in someone focusing all of their
attention on these worldly desires?
Explain: It consumes their time and money; it is a false hope;
it causes them to forget about God; etc.

It may appear in the media that satisfaction and happiness
can be found in “stuff,” but our Creator makes it clear that
only lasting satisfaction and true happiness can be found in Him.

As Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and
He will give you the desires of your heart.”

Issue: Worldly View

Need a lot of money to buy expensive things. Money = happiness

Must have perfect skin, hair, nails, teeth, body, in order to be happy.
Must have the best beauty products.

Wearing the newest fashions make you feel good
about yourself. Expensive clothes = happiness.

Issue: Biblical View

The love of money is the root of all evil, we should seek treasure in heaven
(Matt. 6:19-21; I Tim. 6:10)

Our main focus should not be looking good on the outside, but on the inside
(I Sam. 16:7)

Our effort/time shouldn’t go toward keeping up with newest styles, but on becoming
(I Peter 3:3-4)

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