
Youth Devotional

Youth Devotional 

July 29th 2024 

The Issue:
God has created each of us with abilities and talents, and has
given us certain possessions that we enjoy. It is important to
remember that each of these blessings, however, was given
to us by God ultimately to serve His purpose. When we grasp
this, we see the necessity to manage (or be “stewards”) of
what we have! Let’s see what Scripture says about this.

What does the Bible say?
Note what these verses teach about our possessions:
Psalm 24:1-2 – All things are made by God and are His.
 I Chron. 29:14 – Everything we have comes from God.

Note what God says about being a steward of His things:
I Cor. 4:1-2 – Stewards must be faithful and trustworthy.
 Matt. 25:14-30– We must use what God has given us wisely.
 Col. 3:23-24 – Using God’s things for His purposes = reward.

Read the following verses to see some of the specific areas in
which we are told to practice stewardship:
I Pet. 4:10-11;
ICor. 6:19-20;
II Cor. 9:6-7;
 Eph. 5:15-16.

What should I do?
Stewardship is about using the resources God has entrusted
to us to accomplish the purpose He has for them. Everything
we have (from possessions to abilities) is a gift from God
intended to serve a significant purpose. As we view the
totality of our existence with a God-centered focus, we will
discover that God desires to use our lives for His glory in more
ways than we can imagine. How can you be a good steward
of what God has given to you? May we be dedicated to using
both our lives and our possessions for His glory!

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