
Youth Devotionals

Youth Devotionals 

August 27th 2024 
Media (Part 4)

Our first three lessons have shown that media can influence
our perspective on things, the desires we have, and how we
want to portray ourselves. Because of this, the need for
critiquing the media is obvious. In this lesson, let’s take a
close look at main stream music and determine how we as
believers should respond to its influences.

With the influence that music can have on us, how important is it that
we be wise in our choice of music?
Very much so, since the music we listen to can have such a big impact on us.

What advise can we get from these verses when deciding if certain music
 is appropriate to listen to:
• Ps. 19:14 – Consider if the lyrics are acceptable to God.
• Phil. 4:8 – Be sure the music focuses on what is true, pure, etc.
• I Cor. 10:31 – Be sure the music is truly glorifying to God.

As we select music to listen to and as we select certain
musical artists to follow, we must be sure that those choices
please God. What we allow into our minds and hearts will
either encourage or discourage our walk with Lord. Let us be
sure that the music we listen to keeps our affections on
Christ, rather than on the things of the world (Col. 3:2).

List of a few examples on influence:
Our beliefs
Our desires
How we should portray ourselves
Makes girls feel they need to dress provocatively.
Makes men feel they need to be a rebel, arrogant, etc.

Music can influence:
Living a carefree lifestyle.
Money and earthly treasures (cars, houses, clothes) are emphasized, as
is sexual intimacy outside of marriage. Etc.

Our personal happiness is the most important thing in life.
Love = sex.
We don’t need to respect authority.
We can solve all of our problems apart from God. Etc

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