
Youth Devotional

Youth Devotional 

It Takes Practice 

Author: A. W. Smith — Host: Natty Anderson
Do you ever find the Bible confusing and frustrating? That’s totally understandable! The books of the Bible were written thousands of years ago in different languages and in different times and places in history. It’s going to be difficult to understand at times. And it’s normal to read a passage for the first time and feel like you just don’t get it.

Learning to understand the Bible better is kind of like learning to ski. It takes practice. If you decided to take on the biggest hill you could find your very first time skiing, you’d probably tumble your way down to the bottom, and end up with a few new injuries. And if you try to tackle a difficult Bible passage without any help or training, you’ll probably end up confused and frustrated. But the more you work at skiing, the better you can do it. And the more you read and study the Bible—at church, with others, and on your own—the more you’ll understand it.

If you wanted to learn to ski, you would probably seek out a ski instructor. And a Bible instructor is a good idea too. In a way, the Holy Spirit is like our Bible instructor. When we put our trust in Jesus, believing in His death and resurrection, His Holy Spirit lives inside us. And He helps us understand what God is saying to us and apply it to our lives. We can also ask other Christians for help when we don’t understand something—like our pastors, youth leaders, family members, or friends. God doesn’t leave us to figure everything out on our own. He gives us community and His very own presence!

Just remember, anything worthwhile takes time and effort. So don’t give up when reading the Bible gets hard. Keep practicing. • A. W. Smith

• The whole Bible points to Jesus (Luke 24:27; John 5:39; 20:31; Acts 8:26-40).
And if we know Jesus, we have His Holy Spirit living in us. So, as we read the Bible on our own and with others, He will help us understand what it says. How has Jesus helped you understand His Word so far?

• Have you come across a Bible passage that’s particularly difficult to understand? That’s okay—even Peter said Paul’s writings were sometimes hard to understand (2 Peter 3:16)! And there are some things we may never fully grasp until Jesus returns. Who is a trusted Christian in your life who could look at this passage with you and help you find scholarly resources that could help you understand it better—like study Bibles, commentaries, websites, or videos?

The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. Psalm 119:130 (NIV)

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