
Youth Devotional

Youth Devotional 

August 7th 2024 

There are few things in life that have as much impact on us
as mass media. Media has a tremendous influence on our
culture, and we must be aware of the direct influence it can
have on us. Let’s begin our study with a few questions:

1. What are we talking about when we say “media”?
“Media” is any form of communication that can reach or
influence large numbers of people (example: movies, music,
television, the internet, etc.).

2. Is media good or bad?
Media in and of itself is not bad. Remember, media is just
different forms of communication. However, the messages
sent out by media can have a positive or negative impact.
Media can promote God’s truth, or it can cross the line and
become a negative thing.

3. How do we know when the media has “crossed the line”?
Everything we observe should be examined by Scripture. We
need to take the messages that come out of the media and
see how they match up with God’s truth. If the message is
pushing us to think things we should not think, want things
we should not want, or accept ideas we should not accept,
then we can say that it has crossed the line.

4. How should we respond to the influence of the media?
We need to recognize when the media crosses the line and
be willing to stand for God’s truth (Titus 2:11-12). Dismissing
the negative elements of the media as being no big deal
opens us up to accepting the messages they are sending out.
In the lessons ahead, we will examine the topic of media and
consider how each of us should respond to the various forms
of media that impact our lives.
(Part 1)
 Media is basically any form of communication that reaches or
influences groups of people.
With this in mind, we see that media is a way people
can communicate their thoughts and beliefs about the world.
A song about love, for example, would reflect what the song-
writer believes love to be. People in the media who have a
worldly perspective on things will view things differently than
those who have a biblical perspective.

  The boxes below are based on the different views on the following three issues:
 In today’s media, which view is more common? Why?
Answer: Worldly view. It’s more popular, many in media are non-believers.

 Do you think the various views that the media push are
having an impact on people? In what way?
Answer: Yes. More of their opinions/perspectives are being embraced by the culture.

As followers of Christ, we need to examine our views on
issues to be sure we are listening to God’s Word rather than
the world. Scripture says that our faith should be “not in the
wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (I Cor. 2:5).

Worldly View  vs  Biblical View

If a mother doesn’t want a
baby, she should have the
right to abort it.

Biblical View 
God says all life is precious,
that babies are a gift from
Him, and all murder is wrong
(Ps. 127:3; Ex. 20:13; Ps. 139)

Words are just words. If I
offend someone, that’s their
problem. I can say whatever
I want.

Biblical View
Speech is for God’s glory,
taking Lord’s name in vain is
wrong, must watch our words
(Col. 3:17; Ex. 20:7; James 3)

Living with someone is basic-
ally the same as marriage.
Commitment can be bad.
Marriage should be redefined

Biblical View 
A beautiful thing, life-long
commitment between a man
and a woman (Gen. 2:18-24;
Malachi 2:16a; Eph. 5:22-33)

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